Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Why is it that "normal" people define what and who is abnormal? Why do we assume "normal" people are normal? Don't we alll have our problems, issues, phobias, and the like? Don't we all have some types or forms of dysfunction within ourself and with others? Don't we all have some type and level of personality disorder?

So why do they get to define who we are and what is wrong with us? Aren't we all normal in our own way? And isn't defining normal a type of social control, deciding who in our society is good and who is sick? Why do we let them call us abnormal? And why do we accept their labels of abnormality?

I won't argue there are people with mental problems which requires intervention or help. But I'll argue the DSM is bloated with in invented disorders which aren't abnormal, just people who are themselves and different than others, but then we're all different from each other in many ways and different from the many in small ways.

In the end, it's just the simple question, what is normal?

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