Sunday, January 2, 2011

If only for a moment

I have moments. Some days, but mostly very few and not often these days, especially the last two years. Sometimes all I want is to feel physically good and mentally ok, a few moments when the body and mind seem fine with the world. Funny almost all of these have occurred in spring or fall rain storms when I can stand on the deck and feel, hear and smell the constant rain against the earth and against my body and mind.

I like to put on my North Face expediton rainsuit (pants and coat) and stand outside in the hard, intense rain, surrounded by nothing but the sound, smell and sight of it. Lost in it. Lost within it. It doesn't care about me, only I'm the object it hits before shedding onto the ground around me. It doesn't feel me, but I feel it.

And there in those moments I feel ok. For a few moments all physical and mental problems are washed away with the rain. Shed like the raindrops off the raincoat onto the ground, into the ground and away back to the earth where it started.

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