Monday, December 27, 2010


It's a good thing. Really. Procrastination gives you one thing over those advocating quick decisions, which is always based on seriously inadequate, incorrect or inaccurate information, and that is time. Time is a good gift with many issues, events, situations, decisions, etc. in life and sometimes work. Time gives you that edge to focus more on the issue or question, to gather more information, listen to more people, and so on.

But mostly it gvies you the space to understand. It gives you time for experience and knowledge to outweigh any rashness to decide based on emotios or feelings, which all to often leads to regret about the decision, the purchase and maybe even the object itself. Procrastination can overcome what quickness can't, time to realize how stupid you were when you made the quick decision.

You can't undo that decision, you can learn to make a better one next time, but if you always make those quick decisions, how will you learn to make better ones? That's where procrastination helps. I rarely buy or decide anything the first time. And more often, not even the second time. Usually the third time I realize if I'm still thinking about it, and done my homework, I'm usually comfortable with the idea or object, so there will be little if any regret.

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