Monday, December 27, 2010

A moment of my own Mortality

We all have them, a brief moment when the thought invades our consciousness to say, "What if you suddenly died." Sometimes in our dreams we have imaginary events about it. Sometimes when seeing, reading or listening to a story about the death of someone. And sometimes for no reason than just happening.

I get these moments just before I doze off in a nap, wondering if death is just a nap you don't wake up from. This morning, however, it occurred in a dream just before I woke up. I was sitting in a cafe watching the world inside the cafe and outside the window and then wondered what would be different if I wasn't there. Not there just for the time being there, but not there in life.

Nothing really followed, I woke up and got on with the morning. But, as these moments do, I wondered for a moment of my, and really each of our own, mortality on this earth and in life. There one moment, gone the next. Someone else sitting in that chair at that table in that cafe. Not me. Never again.

It's no different a moment than we all experience, the question is what we think and do about them. Some people don't even ponder them beyond the rare times they occur, if they occur at all, while some people never seem to go very long without a moment. I'm one of those where it's never very far from the front of my mind, only needing a reason to invade my consciousness.

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