Monday, July 8, 2013


People have always thought that being self-centered made a person who is considered arrogant and not worthy of consideration, let alone being a friend. But it's not always true and you have to determine the source and cause of their self-centeredness.

This is because some people, by their very nature, their innate sense of being, are introverted, introspective and prefer being alone. Most of the time they are concerned about themselves because it's who they are and how they see themselves.

They aren't self-centered for attention, for control, for power or other reasons or purposes we often see and attribute to self-centered people who have strong personalities and demand to be the center of attention, the person always in control, etc.

They are the exact opposite. They are in their own world and they don't want to be the center of anything except themselves, so they seem self-centered, but it's just how the get through the world and deal with people.

They often seem to be unsocial or even anti-social, and people often treat them accordingly, and sometimes angrily if not badly, but it's wrong to do so as it only makes them feel worse about themselves and want to go back into and stay in their own world.

They can be great friends, just not necessarily openly or socially, and always there when you need them, just give them their space and time, and don't abuse it or overuse it. They'll just walk away and go back into their own world.

So being self-centered is relative to their personality and you should take the time to distinguish between the obvious, attention-seeking self-centered people and those who say from attention and are just private people.

The former are overtly and overly extroverts and the latter is the opposite. Know the difference for the former make bad friends and the latter could be your best friend.

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