Wednesday, September 16, 2009

What we're given

We were, we are and we will be. Not hard to understand. Life. Life as we see ourselves and the world. Life as we know ourselves and the world. And life as we understand ourselves in and with the world. It's just who we are. And like it or not, it's what is. Complex as we want to think it is, it's not. It's just simple, us and the world.

And it's everyone else, and everyone else doing the same thing. The reality of our being. And everyone's being. It's what we're given. From the moment we're born to the moment our heart stops and we see our last moment and feel our last breath of life. The last we know of our own existence. It all leads to that. And all the moments in between are just what happens. They are. Just are.

All then in the past and we become who and what was. And nothing stops. Except us. A moment and then another. One we're here, conscious, alive and knowing, and one we're the past. An instant. And another. And everything changes. And all the moments in between our first moment and our last moment is gone. If you're lucky, you have an obiturary a few days later.

And all we are then are memories in hearts and minds of others.

And while many argue it's the memories you left in their hearts and minds that's important, it's hard to argue it is those moments in between that at least equally matters. Who we are and what we do in the those moments. Even the simpliest task of just living, as some people struggle just to do that, is just as important to us. Without it, all else isn't.

And it's back to what we're given. Our life. Given by our family history. Given by the enviroment of our mother. Given by the world around us when and after we're born. Given our early years out of our control, simply existing and reacting. Given our childhood, trying to understand and cope not really knowing. Given our teen years thinking we do understand but don't.

And then given the freedom in adulthood to be. Except it's with the events and burden of the past. Our past. As we experienced it and survived. And maybe even flourished at little. We're suddenly there where it's all ours. Jettison the past as you want, and often try, it only becomes a shadow following you. You can't outrun it, dance past it, disguise it, whatever. It's there, always there.

It's when we learn to balance what we're given with what we want that we begin to see reality and our potential. And as much as we want to say we overcame adversities to achieve or accomplish something, in reality, it was always there, it just took the right moment to see the opportunity and they try, which few see and fewer do.

It's why success sells in marketing books, workshops, etc., but it's why you don't need them to succeed, just an open mind and a willingness to imagine and then the willingness to give yourself the freedom to try and the goal to strive toward. The rest you'll do with what you have, how you can, when you can and keep going.

But we're not given that, only the ability to be open and use our imagination. Something we're all too often taught not to use or punished when we do use. We can't change our freedom until adulthood, but by then it's harder to realize it and then use it. What we're given, our abilities, talent and skills, are suppressed and oppressed into ourselves, so deep, it takes years in adulthood to see it.

And when we finally do, what we're given has long be changed by our experiences, some so heavy and some so oppressing, we only fear what we're given, and not see it as freedom. What we're given has evolved to what we didn't know, by ourself, subconsciously. We've lost sight of what we're given. We're not what we're given anymore, but what we're handed by life and the world.

But it's always there, what we're given. Always there. Always. And in the end, it's all we have. We're back to where we were when we were born with what we're given. Everything else is who we were and what we did, and what happened with what we're given. Because in the end, it's what defined us by birth, by life and by our death. What we're given.

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